Posts tagged as: Nino

Liquidity providers on Euronext

30 comments / October 30, 2014

October is not only the month of legendary stock market crashes, also time for updates from Euronext on who’s who in the option markets. Here’s the overview of all stock options with the market makers providing liquidity. Some new firms joined, some others left. Won’t surprise you only two new entrants to game. New entrantsRead more

NYSE Liffe opens market for liquidity providers

40 comments / November 4, 2013

The liquidity provider licenses used to be a closed shop at NYSE Liffe. Once a firm was “primary market maker”, quoting all available options in a certain class, they usually could hold on their quoting position forever. These quoting licenses were limited, usually only 3 for smaller stocks to around 5 for the bigger onesRead more

Play off results Euronext

16 comments / February 10, 2013

A small follow up on the play offs for primary market makers in half a dozen stock options. It was announced in October and held during December and January. With rival option exchange TOM capturing a lot of market share amidst shrinking volumes, quoting tight on Euronext is getting a little bit yesterday’s game. Quoting the tightestRead more

TOM and the play offs

26 comments / October 24, 2012

A small victory for The Order Machine / TOM. Conform all expectations, NYSE Euronext is forced to allow TOM as a member on their derivative exchange. Even Euronext saw the rain coming, and agreed to accept TOM as a member of the exchange. Didn’t even bother to wait for the court. The expensive legal proceduresRead more
