Posts tagged as: Euronext

Country closed, markets open

2 comments / May 31, 2009

Large parts of Europe are closed this Monday. It’s time to celebrate the “Monday of the Holy Spirit” also known as “the second day of Pentecost”. During this sunny day the shops are usually closed, and it may be difficult to buy a set of fresh barbecue meat. However, the financial markets are open. Basically,Read more

Fooling retail investors with new tick size

4 comments / May 23, 2009

Euronext is finally ready to introduce the one-cent tick size in the Amsterdam stock options market. This Premium Based Tick Size plan has been postponed for a while, the crisis curbed their enthusiasm in November 2008. Seven months later the united market maker lobby has achieved some success as well. The threshold has been setRead more

Comments on Optiver-Binck deal

30 comments / April 16, 2009

Comments on posts on websites are highly appreciated. Mostly short views and opinions on other market makers and trading in general, it’s fun to read and now and then carry valuable clues of how trading firms are doing. Yesterday evening a comment was written on the proposed deal between market maker Optiver and broker Binck.Read more
