The one lot trader in the index

The exchange hopes to boost trading volume and pocket some extra profits. With the evaporating margins the transaction fees being paid to Euronext should definitely get extra attention. Euronext is very terribly expensive and the share of the profits taken by the exchange is very large when the spread is only one cent. Maybe it really takes another exchange for Euronext wake up and introduce competitive fees.
Anyway, still jobs available at IMC and All Options!
The big auction of Van der Moolen’s possessions in January was a big success. The proceeds did amount €400.000. Which was more than expected by the administrator. In part this may have been caused by former employees. Maybe overpaying for the computer equipment. The involvement of former VDM traders has been confirmed by the administrator.
A lot less media exposure was given to the second auction, ending a couple of days ago. The most valuable asset in the auction was the large painting of Hans Kroon. This piece of art was sold for a tidy amount of 245 euro. Sadly enough, I’ve missed this great buying opportunity. The question is, who is the lucky buyer? Hans Kroon himself? Avalon Media Group? Or did Richard den Drijver bought it as a birthday present for his former partner-in-crime? Perfectly willing to pay 250 300 euro for this masterpiece.
More interesting than the assets auctioned, are the missing goods. Nobody has ever seen the painting with the VOC ships again. After some research there appears to be something wrong with the traditional Mercurius statues, too. Two of them were sold in the first auction, correct. But the company had three of those statues. The third one ended as souvenir above the fireplace in the living room somewhere. Maybe next to the golden windmill, which also remains missing.
Firing people is never easy. Especially when you still want to feel good about yourself, and keep the other traders happy and confident. Scores of books are written on the fine art of laying people off.
Trading firm IMC doesn’t need any advice for firing people. They’ve found a perfect way to get rid of traders. Last year a few dozen traders and support staff were told to leave by surprise.
They have been fine tuning their approach to reach maximum effect. On the exciting day the bonuses were to be announced, two traders received a completely different message. “Your bonus over 2009 is… hey, guess what – you’re fired!”. Sounds too sadistic to be true. Some kind of urban legend. Strange enough, it appears to be completely true. The traders weren’t trainees, but experienced traders with a credible track record. This really seems to be the way IMC is treating their employees. Curious to know how management communicates this to their traders.