Buttonwood collapsed under rogue trading

33 comments / January 6, 2013

Brandhout, vrees ikThe Chicago based trading firm Buttonwood Trading Group is history after a rogue trading incident in the commodity market wiped their balance sheet in December.

The firm employed some 50 employees and has a stake in several other trading companies across the world – according to their cheap website. By the way, they even appear to have another free great website.

Apart from inexpensive websites the firm used RTS as trading software. As far as I can see Buttonwood has been around since 2008. Company  – or whats left of it – declined to comment on the news.


Five months ago, when Amsterdam based ETF trader Nyenburgh was bought by Virtu – not all employees were welcome in London. Half a dozen index arbitrage traders, with  roots at IMC, were told to leave. With investment from Buttonwood, they started Tontine Trading House. With the mother firm in panic, their start-up venture lost financial backing and had to shut the doors. Close your business within two months and have your apartment stacked with brand new office furniture and trade desks : that’s definitely  bad luck.

All Options in Charity

84 comments / December 25, 2012

Beter dan dat concertgebouwFirst of all, a merry Christmas to all of you. And to stay in the mood, just read about the top seven financial donors to the city of Amsterdam. Charity is a good topic for today.

Number five on the list, right behind the ultra wealthy folks from Heineken and TomTom : Allard Jakobs.

The only one without a picture in the newspaper, but with his 44 years also the youngest. Bought the youth theatre De Krakeling in 2007 for eight million. Muy simpatico. Much better than the Concertgebouw.

The theatre doesn’t have Allard on the sponsor list, and newspaper Parool doesn’t have the Quote journalists on the payroll : but believe this story is true. Respect.



43 comments / December 20, 2012

Love is all around us this December. Getco buys Knight. NASDAQ buys TOM. Afraid to be alone with Christmas, ICE responds with buying NYSE Euronext. Well, they aren’t really after Euronext nor NYSE : the derivative trading business Liffe is the crown jewel.

Time flies. Back in 2000 Euronext was formed with the merger of the exchanges of Amsterdam and Paris and a tiny bit of Brussels. In 2001 the combination bought London  International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE). NYSE bought all this in 2005.

It puzzles me how energy exchange ICE managed to become the bigger fish in the pond of exchanges. The new ICE-NYSE combination will get rid of Euronext stock market with a public offering. Derivative trading unit Liffe – with all the short term interest rate futures – is what ICE is looking for.

Practical consequences of the deal in Europe will probably be zero in the short run. This will change when the markets will be reshuffled, again. In the meantime, ICE-NYSE is overtaking Deutsche Boerse as number three in exchanges by market value. CME is number two and Hong Kong Exchanges is the biggest. Didn’t know that.

Mijnbroker is yours

28 comments / December 17, 2012

Bad news from Beursplein 5. One of the three firms on the central trading floor has to shut the doors. Mijnbroker.nl is history as of January 1st. The online retail broker offered investors very competitive transaction fees, especially in options.

Alas, the firm never managed to achieve critical mass. Investors didn’t switch their portfolios for a few dollars more. Everybody stayed at their IB/Lynx/Todays or Binck/Alex account.

A pity for the employees of Mijnbroker, and a lot of administrative hassle for the remaining clients.

Press release in Dutch here.

NASDAQ buys TOM (update)

68 comments / December 11, 2012

While I was still fact checking TOM’s claim over 20% of the option executions find a better price than Euronext Liffe – something bigger is released. Willem Meijer found a better price for TOM itself.

The NASDAQ OMX buys a stake of 25% in TOM with an option to expand its stake to 50,1% (press release). With this take over the alternative exchange is here to stay and gains financial muscle. NASDAQ OMX was already hosting the exchange in the polar circle. Now, the new owners will supply The Order Machine with a standalone infrastructure in London. Meaning low latency connectivity and less expensive connection lines.

Crisis for Euronext Liffe Amsterdam.

Update. One very valuable comment below deserves a better spot on this website. A better view on the matter than I’ve read anywhere else so far.

Oh good grief… learn how to read press releases. This is a great example of TOM living by the old rule: when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.

First of all, why is ‘Hans-Ole Jochumsen, Executive Vice President Global Data Products and Transaction Services Nordics’ appearing on the N-OMX side of the press release and not a CEO/COO/CFO?

The reason is simple. This is not a vote of confidence by N-OMX looking to buy into a growing potential competitor. Basically, this is the existing TOM shareholders looking to reduce the bill for the use of the N-OMX platform.

The existing shareholders save cash, N-OMX rolls out a (new?) instance in a London data center with a small cash outlay and gets shares on the cheap.

Subsequently the marketing peeps turn it into a news item: look we’re so successful, we’re getting bought. No, your shareholders know that their equity is worth less than what it would cost them to buy (rent) the N-OMX platform. And N-OMS on the other hand knows that its platform is worth less than the price TOM shareholders place on their equity.

When you understand this, you also understand why it’s a N-OMX product man and not a corporate somebody that’s putting his name on the press release.

Update – Willem Meijer (TOM) reacts

That was a sharp analysis. Interestingly, CEO Willem Meijer of TOM was willing to react. Not as witty as the anonymous 11:15 comments, but the man has got a business to run. He has got a point, having the infrastructure supplier (NASDAQ OMX) as an investor should help. TOM is secured on all four corners of running an exchange.

TOM was set up as a joint venture between Binckbank and Optiver in 2009. It was always the intention to invite others to join TOM as a strategic shareholder after the initial start.

I see four important elements of success for a platform such as TOM:

  • Clientflow
  • Liquidity providers (market makers)
  • Clearing
  • Infrastructure

After 2009 ABN AMRO and IMC joined and strengthened these strategic pillars of TOM.

Our aim is to compete with the incumbent exchanges and make trading in equities and derivatives more efficient and innovative. This can be achieved by investing in technology and at the same time keeping trading costs low. With the recent commitment of Nasdaq OMX, I feel that TOM is very well positioned to create a good alternative for these incumbent exchanges.

For the short term the Netherlands is our first priority. We expect to have a market share between 30% and 40% in option trading in the Netherlands next year. This milestone is achievable with the current commitment of our stakeholders and can increase when other financial institutions will connect to TOM as well. After the rollout in the Netherlands we will focus on other countries in Europe as well. The current partners with their respective knowhow and network, we believe are of great value to TOM and will help us to achieve our ambitions. With the investment of Nasdaq OMX in TOM we have now secured and funded future plans and at the same time added our missing fourth strategic pillar as a partner.

I am available to answer relevant questions on this topic, should anyone need more clarification.

Willem Meijer, CEO of TOM
