NYSE Liffe opens market for liquidity providers

40 comments / November 4, 2013

Ingewikkeld heurThe liquidity provider licenses used to be a closed shop at NYSE Liffe. Once a firm was “primary market maker”, quoting all available options in a certain class, they usually could hold on their quoting position forever. These quoting licenses were limited, usually only 3 for smaller stocks to around 5 for the bigger ones as ING and RD. An interesting consequence were the traditional yearly play off for the licenses, like this one early 2013.

This time it’s different. Euronext Liffe apparently has found some capacity and from now on any market maker can be “primary market maker” wherever they like. More or less comparable with the Eurex model, where everyone can start quoting when they feel like it.

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How to handle a fat finger trade in China

5 comments / October 30, 2013

Zo kan het dus ook!

It’s a bit of old news, but received some mail from the Eastern front. Happened on August 16 – Everbright Securities (fantastic name of course) had the Shanghai stock index explode with 6% on a single day. Software glitch, the modern version of a fat finger trade. Never realized the firm even made a profit. Not everybody was happy, see mail text below. Background story here.

How to deal with a fat finger trade in China (Knight take note)

  1. Hire some jackass from an ‘important US based trading firm’ to write some proprietary trading code for you
  2. Blow up the Shanghai Stock exchange with nearly 6 % in just a couple of hours
  4. During the rest of the trading day put on a 200 delta short in the futures and ETFs at the top of the bubble market you created by fucking up in the first place
  6. (get banned from Prop trading forever by the regulator because you Insider traded, not because you fucked up)

Tibra leaves Swiss Exchange

183 comments / October 28, 2013

Mooi werken bij FTDMentioned over the weekend already in the comments. Last friday the news was shared by SIX Swiss Exchange the membership of Tibra Trading Europe will end on October 31th 2013 (pdf) . This means they’re leaving the market making in Swiss equity options.

The firm is closing down desks one by one. Rumor has it all US desks will close, only one or two people will stay to keep a legal entity. European market making in single stocks has been terminated altogether.

High speed trading meets low speed courts

As this Australian magazine notes in the conflict with Optiver, High speed trading meets low-speed courts. Not impossible Tibra will fold before the court reaches a final decision.

Details of Knight $460 million disaster

1 comment / October 27, 2013

Trial and errorIt has been little more than a year ago when Knight updated some stuff on their servers, and lost over 460 million dollar. The firm bought in 80 stocks a total of $3.5 billion and sold short 74 stocks for $3.15 billion. That’s a nightmarish bug in the trading software. A document with the SEC gives a fine insight in the matter. The root of the problem was a software module not used for almost nine years, and still installed on a server.

Full details from the SEC over here, but for an easy read and good summary check Python Sweetness, How to lose $172,222 a second for 45 minutes. You could read it as a guide how not to run an automatic trading operation. The fine for inadequate risk procedures was $12m. That’ll teach them.

Getco was the white knight saving them from bankruptcy – the firms completed their merger in July this year. Getco kept their logo but the firms move on under the name KCG Holdings.

Weekly review

39 comments / October 17, 2013

As the first exchange in Europe, the weekly index options were introduced by Euronext Liffe Amsterdam in 2006. Two years later the famous daily index options followed in 2008. Still a very successful product with good volumes. Unfortunately for Euronext most flow is executed on TOM these days.

After another two years the weekly options on the major stocks (RD, ING, Mittal etc) came to life in 2010. Pretty boring, not much volume. Transaction costs for retail investors are blocking healthy trading in these weekly’s.

Lifetime of two weeks

Next week new weekly options will be added in the index and single stocks. The lifetime will be extended to two weeks. Options with maturity of two weeks will be introduced as from October 25th (source). This means usually there will be expiration for three fridays in a row (also including regular monthly options). Of course, TOM follows Liffe.

With DeGiro weekly stock options suddenly make sense

As you may remember – there’s a new contender in the broker market. DeGiro will only charge 85 cent per option contract, making it worthwhile to trade weekly stock options. You have got to be a little patient, as DeGiro is only adding weekly options to their product list this week. Daily options will follow next week.

DeGiro still has the looks of a “Rumanian version of a Lidl supermarket“, with difficult navigation and a clumsy helpdesk – but we should give them some time. They’re running a low cost operation using the ABN AMRO Clearing network and memberships, and relatively low tech. No inhouse matching, involvement of HIQ or smart order routing – just straight execution.

I’ve been told TOM and DeGiro aren’t negotiating yet. I’m a big fan of fierce price competition. Hope DeGiro will get their stuff running. Good for the weekly options.
