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NYSE Liffe opens market for liquidity providers

40 comments / November 4, 2013

The liquidity provider licenses used to be a closed shop at NYSE Liffe. Once a firm was “primary market maker”, quoting all available options in a certain class, they usually could hold on their quoting position forever. These quoting licenses were limited, usually only 3 for smaller stocks to around 5 for the bigger onesRead more

Tibra leaves Swiss Exchange

183 comments / October 28, 2013

Mentioned over the weekend already in the comments. Last friday the news was shared by SIX Swiss Exchange the membership of Tibra Trading Europe will end on October 31th 2013 (pdf) . This means they’re leaving the market making in Swiss equity options. The firm is closing down desks one by one. Rumor has itRead more

Details of Knight $460 million disaster

1 comment / October 27, 2013

It has been little more than a year ago when Knight updated some stuff on their servers, and lost over 460 million dollar. The firm bought in 80 stocks a total of $3.5 billion and sold short 74 stocks for $3.15 billion. That’s a nightmarish bug in the trading software. A document with the SECRead more

Weekly review

39 comments / October 17, 2013

As the first exchange in Europe, the weekly index options were introduced by Euronext Liffe Amsterdam in 2006. Two years later the famous daily index options followed in 2008. Still a very successful product with good volumes. Unfortunately for Euronext most flow is executed on TOM these days. After another two years the weekly optionsRead more
