Posts in: Uncategorized

FOW event coming up

92 comments / March 10, 2014

Future & Options World, FOW for friends, will be having their annual event again in Amsterdam on March 25th. This time the event will be held in the Hilton. On the agenda a discussion about the microwave connectivity (which is a waste of resources imho), exchange competition (yes, with TOM) and Mifid II. Another interestingRead more

Jump gives $25 million to medical research

102 comments / March 2, 2014

A sharp contrast with the small struggling firm mentioned here last week. The Chicago headquartered high frequency trading shop Jump Trading is still kicking it. Unsure about their exact profits, but it must be enough to fund $25 million to a medical research project. To give a sense of proportion ; the Dutch market makerRead more

Profit 1.900, penalty 50.000

52 comments / February 25, 2014

The Dutch watchdog for financial markets, the AFM, strikes again. Accent GraveĀ has been fined for manipulating the market in the penny stock NedSenseĀ in August 2010. Daytrading shop Accent Grave earned EUR 1900 with “pump and dump” trades, and are fined with EUR 50.000. Changing last traded In short, the trader bought 18k of these sharesRead more

Brainstorm for movie title

66 comments / February 23, 2014

Few months ago had a coffee with the director of a new movie about a Dutch rogue trader. As a graduation project of the filmacademie, the guys worked with limited budget. Everything is more or less finished, just some last editing left. The main thing still missing is a catchy title. There are some suggestions,Read more

Den Drijver and Kroon wanted. Again.

1 comment / February 16, 2014

It has been a while since the VEB and insurer ASR launched a quest for the location of Richard den Drijver, his companion Hans Kroon and McNally. The liquidators of Van der Moolen finally join in (link – nl). Both Richard den D. and Hans K. are told a court case against them will kickRead more
