Posts in: Uncategorized

IMC buying Goldman

104 comments / April 3, 2014

Suddenly a bucketload of news on IMC. First of all, Wiet Pot and Remco Lenterman have called their old pals at Goldman Sachs. Seems IMC is bidding 30 million for the floor trading business at the big board in New York. Maybe they’re keeping the specialists alive as main argument for HFT, it’s a kindRead more

Misconceptions about algo trading

174 comments / March 30, 2014

[This is a piece by the lobby group for European HFT traders, FIA EPTA, and appeared first on their website. While I’m not completely in the same boat, and it’s not a groundbreaking view on the matter – it’s still a good read.] By Johannah Ladd, Secretary General, FIA European Principal Traders Association Today marksRead more

IB joins TOM

30 comments / March 24, 2014

Major news today in the derivatives exchange landscape. The global retail broker Interactive Brokers (IB) will connect to TOM, The Order Machine. The official press release is short on details, but suggested the market share in Dutch options would surpass the 50% for TOM. Depending on the exact details, this could be true. If allRead more

GSFS trolling DNB

8 comments / March 17, 2014

Frank Vogel's GSFS has been trolling the DNB (De Nederlandsche Bank – The Dutch Bank) to the max. His firm GSFS, once closely tied to Van der Moolen, is a specialist in international dividend tax arbitrage. Taking advantage of loopholes in international tax laws, the firm has always been controversial and hated by the allRead more

New charm at FIA EPTA

12 comments / March 14, 2014

The lobby group for proprietary traders in Europe, the European Principal Traders Association, has announced some changes in their staff today. Mark Spanbroek, ex Getco and Van der Moolen, decided to step down as Secretary General. He will stay vice chairman, but the new full time Secretary General will be Johannah Ladd. She is American,Read more
