Posts in: Uncategorized

Hiding from Google

35 comments / February 1, 2015

Received a curious message from Google. In line with the “right to be forgotten“, somebody mentioned on this website actually submitted such a request. People who wish to be forgotten usually have a history of petty crime or similar misbehavior they are rightfully ashamed of. Here’s the full message from Mountain View : Hello, DueRead more

“Den Drijver and Kroon walk”

28 comments / January 26, 2015

A surprising turn of events last friday. According to Paul Schaink, one of the joint liquidators of the firm, there’s a deal with the insurance company AIG. It will cover most of the estimated EUR 126 million claim against former board members. Details of the settlement will follow in a few weeks. Judge decided in 2013Read more

DRW buys Chopper

54 comments / January 14, 2015

Pretty big news from the other side of the Atlantic. High speed trading firm DRW Trading has bought smaller rival Chopper Trading. DRW is a giant in the high frequency industry and one of the largest prop trading firms in the Chicago – and the world. A few years ago the firm, founded by legendaryRead more

Flash boy Binck ignores law of holes

54 comments / December 16, 2014

Somehow Binck reminds me of Van der Moolen in their last months. A listed company and a board which seems to have lost touch with reality. That’s nice when writing a kind of financial blog. Expected a quiet December, but voila : Binck. Time to get the popcorn. SOR functioning poorly Contender DeGiro showed credibleRead more

Former Flow Trader pleads guilty in code theft

10 comments / December 15, 2014

It’s currently out of fashion, but last years papers were filled with reports of traders getting busted stealing their employers secret software code. We’ve seen the alleged code thief at Goldman Sachs,  Aleynikov. At Flow Traders USA we’ve learned Jason Vuu has been e-mailing himself several strategies and computer code. Not too smart. Vuu tried toRead more
