Posts in: Uncategorized

Why I won’t invest in Flow Traders

27 comments / July 7, 2015

Flow Traders is aiming for a valuation between €1.35 and €1.7 billion. That’s a lot, more than three times the market cap of a stock like Binck. It seems excessive for an IPO. After all the company made only 68m profit last year. That’s a multiple of more than 21. Not cheap. 2015 will beRead more

Optiver killed it in 2014

25 comments / June 26, 2015

Optiver reported a record profit of € 246.9 million over 2014. This is better than the previous record from 2008 (€228 million) and once again they are the smartest kids in the room. They’ve beaten rival trading firms. Didn’t really come as a big surprise. Apart from an informed comment on this website, even tradersRead more

Optiver settles (again) in Hammergate

4 comments / June 25, 2015

Optiver bullied the oil markets in the course of 24 days back in 2007. They used their software program named “The Hammer” to manipulate the close of oil futures. By doing so it made a sure profit, because it had build up big positions in TAS contracts (Trade At Settlement). See this four page pdfRead more

Equity option competition in Europe

19 comments / June 18, 2015

This is a guest post by Cornelius Müller, who works for Eurex / Deutsche Börse. It appeared first on This isn’t an academic paper, as you may expect the author is a supporter of a certain derivatives exchange. Still, he has valid points, nice charts and a great overview of the European option competition between exchanges.Read more

Traders trolling with cars

13 comments / June 12, 2015

Some people never grow up. This 46 year old Dutch ex-IMC trader had his own little blast. Somewhere in Western Australia (according to the picture) he bought a Lexus car and got himself a license plate describing the activity of, well, let’s say, the best five minutes of silence a married man can ask for – andRead more
