Posts in: Uncategorized

Why Lenterman left IMC

8 comments / August 6, 2015

When managing directors leave trading firms, it isn’t headline news. However, when Remco Lenterman announced to leave IMC, it’s even a news item on Bloomberg. Wilbur Ozzy The big difference is of course the social media activity on twitter, and as a spokesman for the FIA EPTA he caught a lot of airtime. Lenterman hasRead more

Disclaimer at Binck and TOM

0 comments / August 5, 2015

By order of the court, TOM and Binck are explicitly having a disclaimer on their website. It has been proven the execution for option orders isn’t always the best at TOM. This situation was a clear case with orders in stocks. DeGiro created clear examples where stock trading at Euronext could give better executions. IRead more

Deutsche Boerse buys 360T

10 comments / July 26, 2015

Summit Partners sees the peak of the financial market. Sold their stake in Flow Traders two weeks ago, now they are selling forex trading platform 360T in an auction to Deutsche Boerse. 3rd largest FX spot market While 360T may not directly ring a bell to everyone, it’s one of the largest independent (=non bank) foreignRead more

TOM and Euronext claim victory

7 comments / July 23, 2015

This Wednesday there was a decision in the Court of The Hague in the never-ending story of lawsuits of Euronext against TOM. It’s a long read, but if it’s your thing you can find the (Dutch) ruling here. Very confusing. Both exchanges claimed victory. To me it seems like a draw. To cut a long storyRead more

Flow Traders’ opening bell

15 comments / July 21, 2015

I wasn’t too enthusiastic about the long term prospects of investing in Flow Traders. A quiet and boring year at the stock market would probably crush their earnings. Then again, it’s a well run firm which could surprise everybody. Anyway, the IPO was priced at the lower end of the range at €32 – whileRead more
