Financial Footbal #11
5 comments / July 15, 2014
A few days without a major football match, starting to miss it. But there’s good news, as end of August the 11th edition of the Financial Football Tournament will be held in Abcoude. Save the date, August 30th.
Everything will be smoothly organized by Ferry Boekholt as usual. BBQ, kindergarten, good weather- Bennington takes care of it.
Guess the German teams are going for the double. Last year the cup was won by Eurex. Understandingly, they are in a winning mood. Although Neuer was lucky to stay on the pitch.
Michael Lewis probably said it best when he told 60 minutes that the stock market is rigged. To the fantastic claims made by HFT that they provide liquidity, perhaps we should ask, what kind of liquidity? To the now obviously ludicrous claim that “everyone’s order uses the same tools that HFT uses”, we’ll just say, the data shows otherwise. To Mary Jo White and other officials who claim the market isn’t rigged and that regulators need to look at the data before making any decisions, well, you made it this far – if things aren’t clear, just re-read the above, or just call us and we’ll explain it to you. Or dust off Midas and lets us show you how to work with data.
So that’s a yay or nay on going to the tournament?
yay, nay, who cares
on separate note, for this guy
‘To Mary Jo White and other officials who claim the market isn’t rigged and that regulators need to look at the data before making any decisions, well, you made it this far – if things aren’t clear, just re-read the above, or just call us and we’ll explain it to you’
why don’t you drop mary an email with your contacts and help her out rather than wasting your time on this pointless blog with its pointless censorship
‘The order cancellations and trades executing just before, or during the traders order were not a coincidence. This is premeditated, programmed theft, plain and simple.’
It is premeditated and programmed, but it ain’t theft nor plain and simple to ordinary mind, hft are in the business of being ahead of competition whether on bid or on offer side, that’s how they meet their roe, if you don’t like current system, start iex 2 with even better market structure
on related note, virtu investors would have to wait a little longer for their ipo