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Introducing new option classes is free and easy for the exchange. Liquidity providers are generally happy to commit themselves to send their quotes – and when there’s no volume there aren’t any costs for Euronext and Eurex. It’s just the market maker which is trapped into the quoting obligations and taking risk. Anyway, two more illiquid tiny option classes to be introduced very soon. Brunel International (BI) on April 5th and Koninklijke Ten Cate (KTC) on March 29th. Signing up for primary or competitive market maker licenses ends for KTC this monday the 21st. However, I can’t imagine there will be much apetite for quoting these options so there’s no need to hurry. One can always join in on vacant places afterwards. After all, a primary market maker license (pmm) for Vopak, Nutreco, Aperam, Aalberts and Heijmans to name a few are freely available.