AFS to pay for own mistrade, finally
These days the margins in the derivative trading are very tight. Once upon a time, during the last days of the open outcry trading, the broker AFS made small mistake. With an order for 250 future rolls the broker messed up badly with a negative value of the future spread, instead of receiving 2.30, they paid 2.30. Shit happens, all traders will recognize the trouble with negative values. In the current trading environment, AFS would have lost 5 cent, as there’s always a liquid and deep market in the future roll. Back in 2001 however, they really paid 4,60 too much. That’s some 175.000 euro – and they were lucky as AFS traded 57 lots against their own client, leaving 193 future rolls executed against a terrible price. AOT didn’t want to cancel the trade, and the other counterparty (IDE) offered to settle the trade at even money.
There has been a long and probably expensive legal clash between AFS and Euronext. In 2006 the court judged AFS to pay for their own mistake. A higher court ruled last year both parties should split the bill, as Euronext should have had fair mistrade regulations, and their orde system was even worse than their website. This week the highest court decided to put all the blame back at AFS. Bad luck.
Legal details over here (Dutch).
I don’t get it. A firm market making firm in Amsterdam has been fighting for years over €175k? After all AFS did a mistake, right? If you make a small mistake, you have to pay. Everyone knows that. On the other hand… if you make a big mistake, the exchange will brake the trades.
AFS is a broker, not a MM. They are used to making money without taking any risk, aka commission. So losing money is not in their book.
And mistrade rules were slightly different back in 2001.
Close your eyes and focus on the laughter from the fat boy in Simpsons…”Ha ha”
Or imagine Beavis and Butthead:
Beavis: “AFS sucks”
Butthead: “Yeah, hehe they suck”
You enter a trade in a system, you fill in a price were you want to buy a spread and receive money, the system has a default setting of DB (pay money). so the trade is executed and you pay 2,30 were one should receive 2,30, clear and obvious trade. You immediately call the Observer to delete. Observer says bad luck but refuses to reveal the you have damage from an obvious error, wich the observer admits but nobody to talk to to get the money back. So on a trade that makes you 193 euro fee you loose 175.000 wre the screen immediately trades at 2,30 credit again instead of 2,30 debit. Euronext did not protect it`s member AFS at all in this case. Sadly enough the court costs in the end exceed the upside potential of getting the money back so the party with the most lawyers and deepest pockets wins as AFS did not defend anymore in ‘cassatie’because of the enormous costs.
Agreed that the exchange should have interfered in cases like this.
However in the weeks before this trade and into the start of screentrading the normally friendly atmosphere of letting people out of a trade changed.
As a resulted some market makers decided never to let anyone out unless the rules of the exchange were violated.
Then this thing happened.
I would not let you out neither. However, Euronext should have broken the trade – absolutely.
In 2005 a broker at Mizuho Securities received an order to sell 1 share in J-Com Co at 610,000 Yen.
He punched in the order as sell 610,000 shares at 1 Yen
Since J-Com was a new listing he hadn’t configured his price/order limits for that stock (a simple fat finger check would have prevented this accident)
The exchange (TSE) did not have any hard order/price limits set on J-Com
The order goes straight to the matching engine…BOOM! special price on J-Com today only 1 Yen per share!
The broker quickly realized his mistake and tried to cancel the order, but according to Mizuho Securities a bug in the exchange system prevented them from cancelling the order.
Mizuho lost $225 Million that day
Heads rolled for this mistake, Pres. Of TSE and a few others and the case ended up in court.
As far as I know the last verdict (Dec 2009); TSE was ordered to pay Mizuho 10.7B Yen, I don’t know if TSE appealed (anyone know?)
you make a mistake, you pay for it. period.
There is no room for error in this business.
For starters, a mm is protected if he didn’t update an option price correctly. You can lift a wrong price in the screen and an observer will delete the trade. They call that an obvious mistake.
but this trade is suddenly normal.
The exchange is obligated to maintain orderly and fair trading. They even have a special department in order to guarantee this.
but in this case they suddenly are not held to do so. Miraculous. They had at least a smart lawyer who was able to convince a judge, who still doesn’t know about what he had to rule.
By today’s standards, most of the trades pre-screen trading were mistrades … think about it!
Trading on the floor was like printing money only with the added fun of shouting.
GSFS claimt miljoenen van failliet V/d Moolen
2 november 2010 | Het Financieele Dagblad
Door: Brinker, G. den
Ex-zakenpartner: reputatieschade
Gijs den Brinker
Een voormalige zakenpartner van Van der Moolen heeft een claim van ruim euro 66 mln ingediend bij de curatoren van het failliete effectenhandelshuis. Het gaat om de relatief kleine vermogensbeheerder GSFS van Frank Vogel. De claim is ruim drie keer zo hoog als alle activa in de boedel.
Het grootste deel van de claim, euro 40 mln, eist GSFS voor vermeende reputatieschade, zo blijkt uit een document van de Amsterdamse rechtbank. Vogel wil geen toelichting geven op de claim.
Vogel kreeg in 2005 in een ontslagzaak tegen zijn voormalige werkgever Fortis een claim voor reputatieschade deels uitgekeerd. Hij eiste euro 7 mln en kreeg euro 900.000.
Curator Paul Schaink van Van der Moolen betwist de nieuwe claim, die hij ‘onbegrijpelijk en niet fraai’ noemt.
Van der Moolen kondigde eind 2007 een samenwerkingsovereenkomst aan met GSFS, dat zich specialiseert in dividendarbitrage. Dat is een complexe beleggingsstrategie waarbij marktpartijen op de beurs posities innemen om te profiteren van verschillen tussen belastingregimes. Deze vorm van handel ligt gevoelig bij de fiscus.
Dankzij de samenwerking boekte Van der Moolen in het tweede kwartaal van 2008 voor het eerst in jaren een ruime winst van euro 15 mln. Een halfjaar later schreef het bedrijf echter onverwacht euro 43 mln af, alle belastingclaims die voortvloeiden uit de beleggingsstrategie. De fiscus in verschillende Europese landen zou kritisch staan tegenover de vorderingen.
‘GSFS beweert dat zij door de afschrijving en de argumentatie geen zaken meer konden doen met partijen waarmee zij dat deden of van plan waren’, zegt curator Schaink. Kort na het faillissement van Van der Moolen vorig jaar maakte de Duitse fiscus euro 32 mln over naar Van der Moolen, een groot deel van de belastingclaim.
Vogel van GSFS vindt de ophef over de handelsstrategie onbegrijpelijk. ‘Er zit een prijsverschil tussen aandelen, derivaten en cash. Waar het mee te maken heeft, doet niet ter zake. Ik maak er gebruik van. Klaar.’
Dividendarbitrage komt wereldwijd op grote schaal voor.
GSFS claimt verder euro 21 mln voor geannuleerde transacties met Van der Moolen. Een geplande overname van GSFS door Van der Moolen werd begin 2009 afgeblazen.
Er loopt bij de Ondernemingskamer een onderzoek naar wanbeleid bij Van der Moolen in de aanloop naar het faillissement.
@ 9.59 “you make a mistake, you pay for it. period.
There is no room for error in this business.”
Thats bullshit, if a broker shows me a price thats def a wrong one, i return it.
I agree that exchanges should break clearly erroneous trades but I don’t think it is the case here. It is a pretty small number in a future roll. No big deal. The trader/broker made a mistake – he pays for it. Remember that NYSE only broke trades that were >60% off during the day of the Flash. That is truly bad judgement from the observers.
By the way……..heard that All Options is leaving the exchange floor!
You’re not the only one who heard it!/amsterdamtrader/status/29492793514
Wasn’t that general knowledge?? All options downsizing and leaving the exchange floor is a persisting rumor since the famous article in FD
What’s AJ’s position now in the Quote500?
@ 10.55 pm: Those guys at Quote have no clue (a fact they occasionally admit to), you should know better than to care. Case in point: they have raised AJ to EUR 300m. Only if he had bought puts on All Options. They also raised Kaemingk’s ranking on the basis of Optiver’s profits “doubling”. Last time I checked they had eroded by 98%. Poor research.
“I’m 4999-5000 on the Dec13 straddle, can you improve?” Ok Im choice.
“I’m 5000-5000 on the Dec13 straddle, can you improve?” Ok Ill pay the other guys bro. but only if I get the full size.
@Jort K.
What date is it based upon? Jan 1, 2010?
They tend to use the last available information. For Optiver that means their 2009 earnings, published earlier this year. For AJ/AO they have to do with the 2008 earnings (for the time being). Regardless, it’s rather ridiculous, misleading and inaccurate.
Hey Jort where are the IMC do you reckon the IMC founders should be on the list then? Wiet and Rob???
You can browse Quote’s ranking online:
(should be identical to Roger and Jan, but what does Quote know)
It’s mostly nonsense. Just look at Sjoerd Kooistra who was ranked at 100m+ last year. At the time of his suicide a few months ago, it turned out he was broke.
Could the guy quoting dozens and dozens of strategies (by 500) on the OESX market stop his useless and polluting game ?
Thank you !
what the hell just happened in the FTI roll. 20k bid, switched to the offer side without trading
@11:55 am
What is the problem. If he wants to quote in those let him. If you don’t like it : Hit him!! Or dime the guy.
Strange that they let him though, because i was ordered to pull my quotes in a pretty simular case a while back.
jelly rolls!
Does anyone know where the fti future will expire?
which strike are you long?
does anyone know what fti is?
for sure f stands for f*cking
“Could the guy quoting dozens and dozens of strategies (by 500) on the OESX market stop his useless and polluting game ?”
That’s a viral for the new Quote500!
What do you mean by “new Quote500”?
“What is the problem. If he wants to quote in those let him. If you don’t like it : Hit him!! Or dime the guy.
Strange that they let him though, because i was ordered to pull my quotes in a pretty simular case a while back.”
The problem? fucking pollution on strat screens. Or maybe you think that quoting a 3-tick spread on CBUT 2950-30-3050 NOV could bring some liquidity back to the mkts.
“What do you mean by “new Quote500″?”
It’s the Dutch Fortune500 list, released yesterday.
@ 2:09
I don’t care about pollution on you’re screens. I want to make money….
So do I, but what’s the point?
I made money putting combo’s in, so not putting them in means less money.
Combo = risk-reversal?
You make money trading them or simply because you obtain a rebate?
That’s the secret of the succes…..
That means “rebate”.
Wiet Pot is certainly not an IMC founder
So, who should be the company to replace All Options??
Beurs: andere huurders
De beurs betreurt het vertrek van All Options. Een woordvoerder vertrouwt erop dat er snel andere huurders worden gevonden voor de vloer. Daarover worden al oriënterende gesprekken gevoerd. ‘De vloer komt niet leeg te staan. Het is een handelsvloer en dat blijft ook zo’, zegt zij.
I hear Calimero are looking to expand and are close to signing a lease for the Beursplein floor. Whether this makes sense from a business point of view, or whether it is just a symbolic victory of Calimero over All Options remains to be seen.
That would be awesome!
Calimero is at least a NORMAL company instead of some c*ck-sucking companies that are prettending to be the best/biggest. “ruling” the prof-market by giving away tight spreads that cost money from the beginning.
That will make Calimero even sexier. Now all he needs is a golden egg-shell and I will totally go down on him.
All Options, een van de grootste handelshuizen ter wereld, maakt moeilijke tijden door.
Economie, dinsdag 10 maart 2009
Na overname Saen Options lonkt de wereldmarkt
AMSTERDAM – Terwijl de leegloop van Amsterdam als financieel centrum nagenoeg voltooid is, heeft optiehandelaar All Options besloten juist te groeien in de binnenstad van de hoofdstad.
Het Amsterdamse bedrijf heeft Saen Options overgenomen en groeit hierdoor uit tot ��n van de grootste optiehandelaren en market makers in Europa.
Bovendien zal het bedrijf fors uitbreiden: nog dit jaar wil het honderd handelaren werven. Nu heeft het in de hele wereld driehonderd mensen in dienst. Volgens een woordvoerder kost het echter grote moeite goede optiehandelaren te vinden.
All Options werd in 1998 opgericht en heeft zijn hoofdkantoor in Amsterdam. Verder zijn er filialen in Zwitserland, Hongkong, China en Cura�ao, die actief zijn op beurzen in Azi�, Europa en Zuid-Amerika.
De prijs die werd betaald voor het overnemen van concurrent Saen Options wordt niet bekendgemaakt.
Volgens directeur Allard Jakobs wil de onderneming ‘uitgroeien tot marktleider in de hele wereld’. Het bedrijf is actief als optiehandelaar en als market maker: het zorgt ervoor dat dagelijks prijzen ontstaan voor allerlei effecten. Een market maker heeft geen last van dalende beurzen: hij verdient niet met speculeren, maar aan de verschillen tussen de vraag- en aanbodprijzen van effecten.
De binnenstad van Amsterdam raakte de laatste jaren in hoog tempo financi�le bedrijven kwijt. In augustus vorig jaar vertrok Van der Moolen als ��n van de laatste.
Eerder hielden banken als ABN Amro, ING, Fortis en Dexia de grachtengordel voor gezien. Zij streken neer aan de rand van de stad.
In de jaren negentig probeerden Amsterdam, De Nederlandsche Bank en de effectenbeurs de binnenstad aan te prijzen als internationaal financieel centrum.
Daaraan kwam een einde toen de Europese Centrale Bank niet in Amsterdams, maar in Frankfurt werd gevestigd. Ook de Oost-Europabank kreeg Amsterdam niet.
De campagne had wel enig succes. Er vestigden zich zeventien financi�le instellingen in de binnenstad, bij de veertig die er al zaten.
Enkele jaren geleden was het helemaal gedaan, toen de Amsterdamse beurzen werden opgekocht door de Franse beurs. Veel handel verdween naar Parijs. Menige instelling zag geen reden meer vlak bij de beurs te kantoor te houden. Optiehandel All Options groeit in Amsterdam